Static Hosting


Learn how to setup Sodium on a Static Host such as Cloudflare Pages

Setup & installation

First, you need to fork this repository.

In your forked repository navigate to sodium-static\public\ultra\ultra.config.js and set the bare to a public bare server like if you are confused what to put just Comment out the bare array then uncomment out the public bare it will tell you in the config what to do. Also you must repeat this step for sodium-static\public\dyn\dyn.config.js except it will be easier since its not in a array.

Next you need go to whichever host you will be using.

Step 4 is to Select the repository that you are gonna be hosting (Hopefully its sodium!)

Next if your Host supports this Set the output directory to sodium-static\public\ and DO NOT MAKE IT RUN npm install or npm start AS THIS WILL START AN HTTP SERVER WHICH IS NOT SUPPORTED BY STATIC HOSTS

Step 6 is to then run and enjoy your experience with Sodium!

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