
[!WARNING] Meteor is in a very early stage of development. Mainstream site support is not guaranteed. You can see our roadmap here.

The modern interception proxy you've been waiting for.

Meteor is a web proxy powered by service workers that intercepts HTTP requests and routes them through a Wisp server using bare-mux.


Meteor is a client-side JavaScript library. You can install it in your application in one of two ways:

Build Meteor's scripts by first cloning the repository, installing packages (pnpm install), running pnpm build and copy the files in the dist/ folder into a meteor folder in your application's folder.

meteorPath is exported from the @z1g-project/meteor NPM package, which resolves to a path in node_modules of built Meteor scripts. You can use this however you serve static directories in your backend framework.


  import express from 'express'
  import { meteorPath } from '@z1g-project/meteor'
  const app = express()
  app.use("/meteor/", express.static(meteorPath)


  import Fastify from 'fastify'
  import fastifyStatic from '@fastify/static'
  import { meteorPath } from '@z1g-project/meteor'
  .register(fastifyStatic, {
    root: meteorPath,
    prefix: '/meteor/'


Once you have the scripts served, register your service worker and set your transport on your frontend.

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
    const registration = await navigator.serviceWorker.register('/sw.js')
      "EpxMod.EpoxyClient", // replace with your transport
      { wisp: `wss://` } // replace with the url of your wisp server
// After a button click or other event:
window.location.href = __meteor$config.prefix + __meteor$config.codec.encode("") // replace url with the (full) url you want to navigate to

More in-depth usage and configuration can be found in the Wiki.

Testing and development

Running pnpm demo will serve a basic UI to test Meteor, along with a dev server that watches for changes in the source code and re-builds accordingly.

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